Even if the scores in Core Belgium Phone Number List Web Vitals aren't very high (which are already way too over-hyped in my opinion). One last tip I want to give is to manually adjust the speed of the test in Webpagetest to 3G Belgium Phone Number List Fast and a mobile browser emulator . This allows you to discover the 'problems' even better. Several times I have experienced that some websites or pages just loaded so very Belgium Phone Number List slowly, that this has had consequences for the findability. The biggest disadvantage is of course that you have to check this per page. Do you want to quickly find out which pages of the website load slowly?
Then take a look in Belgium Phone Number List Google Analytics under the Behavior menu under Site Speed Page Timing. 2. Check and prepare tracking and reports Without reporting, you won't know what progress has been Belgium Phone Number List made during your SEO campaign. Having a baseline measurement is important to get a good picture of the progress. You don't want a message every week with: why did we drop 1 Belgium Phone Number List position again yesterday? That is why it is wise to set up Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Tag Manager and possibly a report in Google Data studio at the beginning (just to stick to Google products).
Many websites Belgium Phone Number List are already linked to Google Analytics, but often nothing else is tracked such as events and goals. By checking this during the analysis, you have better data to establish a good baseline measurement. This Belgium Phone Number List only needs to be a small part of the analysis, which you can prepare immediately after the analysis. 3. Broken internal links, 404 errors, and other issues The longer a website Belgium Phone Number List exists, the more problems it can find. You can use SEO tools such as Screaming Frog, Sitebulb, or Website Auditor to detect problems .