You knew it was coming. Here is my big annual list of Dreamforce parties. First, there are a bunch of other lists for Dreamforce Parties and thought I would share Special leads these too. Here are some I’ve seen: Dreamsimplicity’s Dreamforce Party List Appirio Party App Dreamforce 12 Party Helper Insideview Party Map CrashCloud PartyForce Note: My list below should be Special leads more comprehensive than any of these lists (though these list creators should be smart and grab everything
Minna Gallery Women in Technology (pwd DF12), 6:00pm – 8:00pm, Palace Hotel’s Gold Ballroom (2 New Montgomery St) Cloud Connect Kickoff Party, 7:00pm – 11pm, Parc 55 Wyndham (55 Cyril Magnin St.) Janrain Open House, 5:30pm – 8:30pm, The Chancery Building, 564 Market Street, Penthouse, San Francisco, CA 94104 Cloudwords Global Brand Summit, 1:30pm – 5:30pm, Le Meridien (333 Battery Street) High Velocity Sales Tour, 5;00pm+, W Special leads Hotel (181 3rd St) Tuesday, .) Tech Meet-up, 5:30pm – 8:00pm, 111
Minna Gallery Women in Technology (pwd DF12), 6:00pm – 8:00pm,Special leads Palace Hotel’s Gold Ballroom (2 New Montgomery St) Cloud Connect Kickoff Party, 7:00pm – 11pm, Parc 55 Wyndham (55 Cyril Magnin St.) Janrain Open House, 5:30pm – 8:30pm, The Chancery Building, 564 Market Street, Penthouse, San Francisco, CA 94104 Cloudwords Global Brand Summit, 1:30pm Special leads– 5:30pm, Le Meridien (333 Battery Street) High Velocity Sales Tour, 5;00pm+, W Hotel (181 3rd St) Tuesday,